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QUADRO Fusion Night Vision - Thermal Imaging System


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Only for government and law enforcement customers.

There is two technologies available for night time, low light and adverse weather conditions observation: Image Intensification and Infrared Thermal Imaging. Both have their own advantages as well as limitations. The special purpose of "QUADRO NVTF" system is to combine both technologies. It allows fully and effectively exploit their capabilities by creating “Hybrid” or so-called “fusion” observation system.


Modern Night Vision Devices are Small, Light Weight, & equipped with high performance/resolution image intensifier tubes. Increased photosensitivity, SNR & more recently auto gating provide the user with the capability to operate in even lower light situations than ever possible before. Additionally, today’s Night Vision Devices provide greater detail of people & objects, even on the darkest nights. When utilized with active Infrared Illuminators or Laser pointing aiming devices, the op-erator is still able to conduct observation tasks with effective recognition & scene assessment. However, not very effective if the person or object is concealed behind light bush, in a shadow or camouflaged. A sce-nario such as this highlights the  vulnerability of theImage Intensification technology.


Today’s  Thermal  Imaging  Devices  are  Small,  Light  Weight &  equipped   with   high   performance   engines  (cores). Combined  with  superb  resolution  mini-displays,  providethe   operator   with   high   resolution,   high   sensitivity imaging and detection range. Thermal  Imagers  provide  detection  of  people’s  &  object’s heat signatures even if hidden behind thin bush, in a shadow or  camouflaged.  Thermal  Imagers    also  have  the  additional benefit  of  operating  during  day & night and are furthermore able to see through smoke or fog. However, not very effective as only provides heat (infrared) ‘signatures’  of  people  or  objects -  provides  no target detail, therefore  results  in  very  ineffective  target recognition and scene assessment.

Years of Research & Development paid off! Team of our engineers designed and created unique “hybrid” or “fusion” system which allows fully and effectively exploit both Night Vision and Thermal Imaging technologies simultaneously. Requires minimum training and little familiarization to acknowledge how to operate with the system to reach maximum effect and stay in FULL control of the situation.

QUADRO Technical Characteristics:

Image Intensifier Tube (IIT)
XD-4, XR5, “Onyx”
Thermal Imaging Core (TIC)
Thermal Eye 3620AS
IIT Resolution
57-73 lp/mm
TIC Format/Video Out
160 x 120/640 x 480
Display Resolution/Type
640 x 480/color VGA
Diopters Adjustment
1 (+0.3)X, digital zoom
2x, 3X
900 Grams
165 x 110 x 95 mm
Powered By
3 V Lithium Batteries*
*Operation time on 2 pcs. of CR123 batteries
Up to 4 hours, Continuous

QUADRO Unique Features & Options:

- Images from NV or TI channels can be used separately or fused,
- Manual Gain Control-Adjustable brightness of TI Channel display,
- Built-in powerful, focusable Laser Infrared Illuminator can be used as an aiming-target pointer for the team sniper. When it’s ON warning LED flashing in Operator’s field of view,
- TI channel “video-out” feature can be used with optional USB adapter & software which allows to display thermal images on computer or use them for further transmission,
- QUADRO can be attached to the optional head gear/helmet mount for “hands free” operations,
- Optional external battery pack with Li-Ion rechargeable batteries and charger, good for up to 7 hours continuous use,
- Optional “Snap-On” magnification 2.3X lenses available for NV & TI channels.

Termovízia Termovízna kamera Fúzny prístroj Nočné videnie Thermal Device Thermal Imaging Camera Thermal Scope Infrared Fusion Device Thermal Gerät Wärmebildkamera hőkamera GSCI Quadro 320x240

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LVL Armory, s.r.o.
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Tel.: +421 905 940 526
Tel.: +421 915 955 444
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NightVision.sk/   Phone:+421 905 940 526, +421 915 955 444  /   E-mail:info@nightvision.sk
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